Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Weight Loss: 6.6lbs
Mood: feeling fine
Today I came back to my hometown (and childhood house) for the Christmas break. I met the new puppy and he is adorable. He isn't a very good walker though (since is so small) but I am going to take him out tomorrow and see how it goes. I may just have to go for walks by myself to keep myself active. I went in the hot tub but that really isn't exercise - not like you swim around haha! Like I said before, I just want to maintain my current weight as much as possible until I get back to my regular routine.
I went grocery shopping with my dad and bought healthy food - the kind of have back home so I should be able to eat properly here now which is a very good thing.
I hope all my readers have a wonderful Christmas incase I don't get a chance to right anything else. Happy Holidays.