Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Weight Loss: 20lbs

Mood: Content

The day is almost over. I did well for food today. In fact I still have a bowl of peanuts and fruit downstairs and some ju-jubes that I set out and allowed myself to eat (after weighing them all) and have barely touched them. I am still full from dinner so I likely won't get around to them tonight - which is awesome. I only ate half my dinner tonight - like I wanted to. I packed the second half up for lunch tomorrow. I discovered the other day that I am full half way through the meal and just eat the rest because it is so damn yummy - not a good thing really. So hopefully I can keep this up and it will help with my weight loss.

Haven't gotten the elliptical set up yet - hopefully that happens soon. I really do want to try this working out in the morning thing - I just need something to work out on. Though I suppose I could just start getting up and starting to get used to that feeling...

Still getting back on track in terms of my water in take - I seem to not be as good with it now as I once was, but I am certain I will get the hang of it again. I haven't gotten back into my nasty habit of drinking tons and tons of juice - I just don't seem to drink anything at all most of the day which is odd.

Hoping I can still lose some more weight before the wedding - but if I don't that's ok, though a touch disappointing.



I have not been that active on here - the main reason is that I have not been that active in my weight loss. I have not 'fallen off the wagon' but I have taken a small break from actively trying to lose weight. I have maintained my weight completely during my hiatus and now that I am living in my new fabulous house with many more resources available to me (like being able to leave my food scale out without fear of it getting broke) I should be able to get back to my regime with better results than before.

D and I are setting up a gym in our basement. It currently consists of an elliptical machine (in pieces), my exercise bike, weights and a pull-up bar. Once we get things organized down there I will have my pilates ball and mat as well as the stepper and the free weights. Currently there are tons of boxes to be emptied and crap to be organized so there isn't much room for exercise.

Temptations are still around as they will be for the rest of my life - but I am feeling confident that I will be able to resist them once again.

I have plans to try something completely new. I am going to try and get up with D in the morning when he starts getting ready for work and exercising before I have to start getting ready for work. Hopefully this will not only make it so that I get exercise in daily but also give me more energy during the day. I have heard that working out in the morning can give you more energy throughout the rest of your day and if it is true it would be awesome.

So here is my recommittal to my regime. Go me.

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