Been A While

It's been a while since I stepped on the scale. This point was proven correct when I got on it this morning and found that I am up to only 7 lbs lost. I was down to as much as 10 lbs lost, but a combination of Chicago and shear laziness has brought me back up. Now that I know this however, I have no excuses to letting myself continue on this downward (or rather upward) spiral. Dave and I picked up a few groceries last night and I intend on getting back on track with eating home cooked, healthy meals and cutting back on the restaurant meals. I have been choosing better restaurants meals, most of the time, but they are still higher in calories and fat than the alternatives I can whip up at home.
I did get a fair bit of exercise in this weekend though, by walking around downtown Ottawa taking photos both Saturday and Sunday. This upcoming weekend is sure to be a challenge as it is Thanksgiving, and though most people give themselves a break on this holiday, I feel that the past few weeks have been enough of a break for me and I need to do my best to stay within my limits. Fingers crossed on achieving that goal.

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