Mid-January Update

So it is nearing the middle of January and I have determined that I should update you on my progress.
The dots program worked really well the first week but I have missed a few dots since Saturday and am now deciding if I need to make them up or if the slate is wiped clean at the beginning of each week. I know the pros and cons of each side and just need to make up my mind on the matter.
The exercise while doing the dots was quite easy. I worked out on the Wii most days, but did do some time on the elliptical machine. On weekends, I ensured my workouts were sweaty and required me to shower afterwards, while weekday workouts were much more lenient in the intensity department.
I have lost a little bit of weight, but need to determine a new starting base as I think I creeped above the previous one :( I believe I am now at -3 lbs from the new zero, which was higher than the old zero. I know that it is impossible for me to lose weight without calorie/fat decreases AND exercise - so I really need to work on getting both going simultaneously instead of these one at a time things I was doing last week.
Blog Feature
I forgot to post the most recent Tasty Tuesday and for that I apologize - I have a few recipes stored up on my computer and just need to get them posted here. I thought I had one scheduled for the latest feature but apparently I was wrong. It is almost time for the next one anyway, so I will make sure that one gets up for you guys.
Personal Challenges
My personal Florida Challenge turned out to be a total bust and I am only a few pounds lighter than I was when I started. Unfortunately, I was once again side-railed by an over abundance of work and a complete lack of self-motivation and will power. I need to determine a new goal to work towards, something that will help me reach my long term goal(s). As I can't think of much else before it, my birthday seems to be a good marker. As it is nearly two months away, I think 10lbs should me manageable for me. So there it is - 2010 Birthday Goal, -13lbs total.
Dave and I are going on vacation shortly and I need to set some guidelines for myself. Since we will be staying with his healthy-eating parents, I am not too concerned about my food intake while we are staying there. I am also certain that there will be long walks around their town and the many beaches therein - if not to get in culture and the beauty of the area, then to take photos of everything. It is Disney that I am worried about. Though the park is big and one would think there would be lots of walking involved, it is easy to sit on trolleys and stand in lines all day. And of course, it is ridiculously easy to eat your weight in treats everyday. I am not going to restrict the treats I want, but when it comes to meals - the healthier the yummier. Like I said, they are guidelines, not rules, as I am on vacation and need to relax and be happy as when I get back to work it is crazy workload time again.

I think that is pretty much everything I needed to update. We all know I am really good at making plans and goals and figuring out what I need to do to reach them - but like a lot of people in my situation, I am really bad at implementing them. I have moments and days that are truly wonderful, but most of the time I just don't do it and that is why I am still where I am. Now, if only admitting your faults meant that they would be fixed...

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