Curves: Research Phase
My mom attended Curves when I was still in high school. She went for a month but learned that it wasn’t for her (predominantly due to her knees and her doctor’s insistence that she not use any machines that but stress on them – which is half of the machines at Curves). I thought about going with her during her month of attendance, but as I was in the middle of high school, things like Curves and Weight Watchers was not something you announced or really even did (sadly), so I never went.
Chris started going to the Curves by her bus stop a little while ago and has been really enjoying it (I can say this because she told me so). She hasn’t really lost any weight, but she feels that it has counteracted her lack of dieting (or eating well) and has given her more energy, which are both very good things. Lately I have realized that there is no way any plan I make is going to stick for very long – at least not long enough to get myself into shape. Working out at home just isn’t working. I can do little things, like sit-ups and other ab workouts before bed, but I can’t get myself to spend the better part of my weekend doing something I really dislike. It is for this reason, that I have decided to seriously look into Curves for myself.
Chris is going to look into whether or not she can get me a referral and some sort of signup deal, which would be awesome. But even if that isn’t possible, I am pretty sure I am going to start attending Curves after work. Dave and I have come up with a schedule of sorts. After work he would drop me off at the Curves nearby and then come get me when I was done. While he waited for me, he can go to the public library around the corner which conveniently has wireless internet. It is a really good plan and seeing as how the workout is minimum 3 days a week for 30 minutes, we would still get home at a decent time and be able to enjoy the rest of our night.
It does mean money spent on a monthly basis, but really it isn’t that bad. The way I see it, if I can pay monthly fees for online games like WoW I should be willing to pay monthly fees to improve my health and general well-being.
I have muscles!! Remind me to show them to you sometime. I do think that once I start eating better (next week) the weight will just fall off of me, I can feel that my body has changed for sure, it just hasn't changed the numbers yet. I hope this works for you. (Again, it only works for me for the following reasons:
10% - I enjoy it
10% - Easy, short, predictable workout
30% - Jenn works out there too
50% - It is at my bus stop