One Month
One month has passed since I started going to Curves. Though I did not go three times a week every week, I did do very well. I have no specifics, but am told that I look like I have lost weight. My scale at home does not agree with this though. I will be getting my measurements taken again at Curves, as soon as I work up the guts to ask for it, and we will see what the results are. I don’t think I have lost either pounds or inches as I did not do that well for food this past month – or rather, I did not do as well as I should have for food this past month.
Also, since it has been one month and I am still doing well with Curves, I have decided to add in another phase. Dave and I will be walking on my non-Curves days. It will either be done after work but before dinner or during our lunch sometime. The latter was an idea by Dave as some co-workers do this and also because it would help keep us awake in the afternoon as we both tend to drift a bit after lunch. I have also decided to put the ab workouts back into the regime, probably also on my non-Curves days.
My weigh/measure ins were a bit of a disapointment. Either none or very little weight lost, however I thought of it as - WOW think of what would have happened to me if I hadn't been working out. I would have gainned from the bad food I ate. Glad you are still liking Curves, I'm going to be sad to leave mine.