
Terrible - it pretty much sums up how I feel about my weight loss. I feel as if it is going nowhere, and the scales agree with me. I am eating more or less properly - admittedly not perfect, but good. I am working out when I can and when I can't I get it at work through site visits, etc. I will keep trucking though and hopefully my body will start doing what I so badly want it to do.


Morning Workouts

I have started working out in the morning prior to getting ready for work or eating my breakfast. I have heard great things about this habit and hope that I can take full advantage of all the benefits.

It is believe that morning exercise is better for you when you are trying to lose weight. This is primarily because you do it prior to eating breakfast and therefore force your body to use stored energy (fat) to get through the workout. According to several informative websites, the level of glycogen, the first source of energy stored in the liver and muscles, is lower in the morning and the body burns an alternative source (fat). The level of insulin is also lower in the morning which apparently assists with burning more fat as well.

Most doctors will tell you that exercising in the morning creates a higher heartrate throughout the day and many morning exercisers say that they have more energy throughout the day as a result of their early workouts. They also feel more alert and attentive. Ones metabolism is supposedly jolted from morning workouts as well and stays higher longer afterwards than working out after you have eaten.

Evening workouts can increase your activity level to a point where one can be prevented from getting a good nights rest. It also does not have the same after-burning effects of a pre-breakfast workout.

When it comes right down to it, it doesn't matter when you exercise as long as you do it. An evening workout isn't going to negatively effect any more or less than a morning one.


Getting Back in the Swing of Things

This morning I woke up relatively early (for a weekend) and had a really good workout after a big clean of the house. I later cleaned and tidied some more after I ate a really healthy breakfast/lunch. I was quite happy with myself.

D and I finally set up the basement (well not completely). We have a TV setup with a working DVD player and I can finally watch movies and whatnot while working out without having to relocate my laptop down there (which doesn't give the greatest sound anyway). I can also use my workout tapes again as there is room down there to move unlike everywhere else in the house.

I don't have a plan right now or anything of that nature but I want to keep making myself happy by having more days like today.

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