June Update

Apparently I have fallen back into the habit of posting here once a month. As things are starting to go better for my weight loss I will try to change that in July. But for now, here is my June update.
I officially started the Curves weight loss and management plan on the 21st. I am now on Phase 2 of the diet and am feeling pretty good. I stepped on the scale this morning and found that I lost about 6.5lbs last week alone. I know most of this is water weight, but that is the point of Phase 1 of the diet.
I didn't have many problems with the diet last week though I did have to use my willpower a few times:
1. We went out for dinner on Thursday and rather than having delicious greasy pizza, I ate dinner beforehand and then just had a garden salad (with dressing I brought from home). It was hard, but I did it and was really proud of myself.
2. When the earthquake hit last week, all the staff were sitting outside. The VP of the company came by with some candy and offered me some. I took a Reese peanut butter cup and held it until Dave had finished his candy and then gave it to him (that was the intention from the beginning). It was very hard not to eat it as I love those things.
3. All week long, our friend Justin was at our place. I cooked dinner for Dave and I and occasionally him as well. Both of the boys would eat a second helping of dinner, or a treat afterwards. I had to resist the temptation to follow suit.
All that being said, I did treat myself to a third of a piece of chocolate cheesecake on Saturday when I was out with my mom and sister-in-law. It was delicious and I think it was very well deserved.
I am really happy with Phase 1 of the Curves Diet and am ready for Phase 2. Hopefully it goes as well.


One Month

One month has passed since I started going to Curves. Though I did not go three times  a week every week, I did do very well. I have no specifics, but am told that I look like I have lost weight. My scale at home does not agree with this though. I will be getting my measurements taken again at Curves, as soon as I work up the guts to ask for it, and we will see what the results are. I don’t think I have lost either pounds or inches as I did not do that well for food this past month – or rather, I did not do as well as I should have for food this past month.

Also, since it has been one month and I am still doing well with Curves, I have decided to add in another phase. Dave and I will be walking on my non-Curves days. It will either be done after work but before dinner or during our lunch sometime. The latter was an idea by Dave as some co-workers do this and also because it would help keep us awake in the afternoon as we both tend to drift a bit after lunch. I have also decided to put the ab workouts back into the regime, probably also on my non-Curves days.

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