Plateau breaking for me...
So after some pretty godo research I learned very little new information (as previously stated). I am happy I did it though. At least know I can make an informed plan about how to get through this plateau. First things first, I am going to behave myself, completely, for over a week. I am going to drink 2L of water a day and get at least 60 minutes of good exercise in while staying in my predetermined calorie range. If this does not work I will have to alter my calories, I believe they will have to go down - which will not only suck, but it will be hard. But perhaps all I need to do is get back on my regime full-heartedly again. It is possible that where I think I have been behaving, there have been slips and food gone unaccounted for.
So that is the plan - behave. We will see how it goes.
I would encourage you more to change up and rev up your working out, then to cut much more in terms of food. We need to start thinking about our 5k training.