Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Weight Loss: 10 lbs
Mood: bored and tired
Last week was pretty good - got a lot checked off on my to do list. I also got a bunch of exercise in which made me pretty happy.
The Biggest Loser (BL) back on again and I am even happier about it now then I was before because the other shows that are on at the same time, like Beverly Hills 90210, are available online so I can watch BL without missing my 'stories'. Just like last year, it is nearly impossible to sit there and just watch this show. Watching the contestants exercise and hearing them talk about their immense weight loss, I feel it necessary to do some exercise of my own. I missed the first episode, but while watching the second episode I worked out for over 30 minutes and tomorrow when I watch the next episode I am hoping to do at least 1 hour. Eventually I will be back to working out for the whole 2 hours of the show like I was at the end of last season. I am looking forward to that.
In under two weeks I will have my basement back and will be able to set up the gym. I was talking to C about it last night and she was asking about the equipment I have and whether or not there would be enough for her, myself and her roommate (J), to all workout together. I definitely think there would be as I have the elliptical, step block, weights, yoga mat, yoga balls and of course quite a few DVDs. I am excited about the possibility of setting up a workout session with them maybe once a week or so - that would definitely get me going in the right direction. Not to mention the fact that having a workout session like that with other people would mean that my equipment would really get used and be worth the money I paid for all of it.
I am starting to get the hang of my food again - or rather I am starting to get used to eating smaller portions. The type of food isn't a massive problem with my diet, it is more quantity that is a problem, but I am once again working on that - trying to shrink my stomach, again, to be used to less food. Though the water isn't coming as easily as it did last time.
I finally bit the bullet and updated the tickers on the sidebar - it is a little disappointing to say the least, but it is honest and I am hoping that they will go back down as soon as possible.