Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Weight loss: 19lbs
Mood: over-worked

I have a new job now as many of you know - it has got me super stressed out and over worked for the majority of each day. I am not a huge fan of it as it is not in my field but the people are super nice here and I am picking things up quickly enough.

Because of the job I have had to let go of a great deal of things in my life including my weight loss - I have not abandoned it, just have to wait and see what happens in this time to be able to direct myself properly with it - there is a fair bit of walking around here but also sitting and I am not sure how to adjust my calories for all of this. My art is suffering too but that is for another blog all together :)

Christine Sweeton  – (May 30, 2008 at 4:55 PM)  

I hope you don't fall backwards too much. I'm really proud of you and all your work so far. Good luck trying to balance work and weightloss. I'm sure you will do fine.

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