Week 3

Another week has passed since registering with the WW online program. This past week was hard as Dave and I had no food in our house and no desire or energy to go get any. We ate out for lunch almost every day but tried to make good choices by getting 6" sub from Subway most of the days and splitting the chips/cookies that come with the meal deal.
There was a great deal of activity like the Heart and Stroke Big Bike on Tuesday (the 16th) and lots of extra walking as my Photoshop course moved classes to a much further location. I wanted to get out and do some biking this weekend but never found the time, though Dave and I did walk around the Science and Tech museum so at least I got off the couch.
I forgot to get on the scale yesterday, and this morning as well so I have no update there, which may be for the better considering how much takeout we ate last week.

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