July Recap

So July appears to have been a stalemate. I lost a few pounds throughout the month but haven't made any big leaps towards my goals. I am still just a little bit off from 10 lbs lost.
My food was pretty good this past month though I did have a few treats here and there. My exercise started out really well but unfortunately incredibly high workloads and stress levels made me miss almost two weeks of Curves. Not only is that disappointing, but it is also a little sad as I actually enjoy Curves for the most part (as previously mentioned).
My goals for the Fall are not really achievable anymore (I wanted to get back into regular size jeans before I started having to wear them again) but I am still going to work really hard in August to get as close to them as possible. Unfortunately this means another shopping trip at a larger size - hopefully I can find a few items that won't break the bank.

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