Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008
Weightloss: 15lbs
Mood: unexpectedly good
I got a look at the bridesmaid dress this weekend and I hope it looks good. My mom ordered some sizes and is going to bring them up to me when they get in - I am hopeful to say the least. Our plan is to purchase one now and then when I lose enough weight that I lose a dress size, we will return it and get a different one. We are buying from Sears so it shouldn't be a problem as long as the security tag stays on.

I didn't lose any weight this week, but I think I gained some muscle, and even if I didn't at least I didn't go up. I have noticed that my calories have creeped up this month - about 20ish calories a day (on average - normally it was 50 one day then nothing for a couple days). I know it doesn't sound like a lot but if that happens almost every day of the month then there's an extra 500 or so calories. So I am going to get back down and not let that happen again this month - I just had so much else going on this month that I wasn't paying enough attention to the small details of my regime.

I have made myself a new job for the month of March - weight loss. Since I will be technically unemployed I have decided that I need to have a plan so that I don't waste time. Though I will still be looking for a full-time position, my priority is going to be hitting my birthday goal - 20lbs lost. I WILL SUCCEED!

I am averaging about 0.8lbs lost per week - but that is with minimal exercise on weekdays and irregular exercise on the weekends. So I feel good about reaching my goal this upcoming month since I plan to work for minimum 1 hour a day. I will do this for 5 consecutive days and then have a day off. I am hoping to do a little bit of exercise on those days off, but nothing too intense. I am going to be doing a combination of everything I have been in the past so I don't get too bored with the exercise - weight lifting, calisthenics, elliptical, stationary bike and workout DVDs. If the weather gets nice enough outside I will pop out to start my couch to 5k program, but I don't expect to start that until April.

The weight loss forum I am a participant in is having an easter challenge, which I am basically going to treat as my birthday challenge. You get a graphic of an easter egg for every xlbs lost. We haven't decided on what x will be yet - but I am excited about it. I want as many eggs as possible! I am finding the forum really helpful - keeps me accountable on a daily basis rather than just the periodic updates I have here, though this also helps me a great deal. I hope the accountability factor keeps going strong since I really need that to keep going with this new life of mine.

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