Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Weight loss: 13lbs
Mood: sick
I have come down with a cold and have a feeling that this is going to hinder my weight loss for a little bit. I am trying to drink lots of water and gets lots of good sleep but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to the cold. Hopefully it doesn't last long so I can get going with my weight loss.
Other than that things are almost back on track with my regime. I am working out every night agian and extra hard on weekends. I am resisting temptation left, right and centre and sticking to my good, healthy food. I haven't gotten back to my slim-fast drinks for breakfast just yet since I felt I should get everything in order before I start using my expensive drink powder but I intend on starting that on Monday. Then I will be fully back in the swing of things.
I have looked into a new program for exercise and when the weather gets nice, or I get a treadmill (whichever occurs first) I am going to start the couch to 5k program that I have heard about. It starts you off real slow running for times that I can definitely manage like 30 seconds running 60 seconds walking or something like that. I am actually pretty excited to get started with it but since the weather is still so cold and miserable (and icy) I know starting it know would only lead to me ending it shortly there-after.
Hopefully when I step on the scale this week there is no gain, though I am not expecting any loss either - I just haven't done well enough this week for that but it's okay as this was a pretty big adjustment week from getting back into my normal routine. But I do have to get losing though since the wedding is just around the corner and I need to have lost a respectable amount of weight before then.