New Beginning

Saturday marks the beginning of a new challenge on my weight loss forum. This one is a little different than others since you had to pay to get into it (well there was the option of not paying, but I decided to opt into the big cash prize). Whoever loses the highest percentage of weight wins the money. The contest is based on the Biggest Loser the tv program that I love so much (though I haven't been watching due to lack of time and energy) but without the eliminations. It is the longest challenge I will have participated in on this forum. Usually I drift out of the challenge as it progresses and I therefore was a little hesistant to pay into this one, but I finished our last challenge with full participation (though very little weight loss). I am not expecting to win this competition or even really come close to it, but I want to do my best and try to hit my 20lbs loss goal by the end of it. Wish me luck!



I purchased a WW scale yesterday and am so happy with it thus far. It measures per cent body fat and % water as well as your BMI (which I can calculate anyway) and obviously your weight. It has room for 10 users which is humourous to me since I will probably be the only one to ever really use it. It was 60 bucks, which is much more than I would normally spend on something like this but I read the reviews and it sounds pretty accurate and that is keeps that accuracy for quite some time. The weight is states is 8.6lbs lost from my intially starting weight assuming that my starting weight was correct - it may have been higher who knows at this point. I am going to go with the weight on my new scale and start again - more or less from scratch. The basement is almost ready for the home gym and I am getting really excited about it. I plan on asking some friends if they want to set up some "gym" time and come over for workout sessions with me - keep me motivated and whatnot. I also think it could be a great way to keep connected with them and see them on a regular basis. Anyway - that is what I have done lately and this week will hopefully be my last without proper workout area - though my food has been almost right on target lately and my water intake is increasing steadily.


To purchase or not to purchase...

So I am thinking of getting a new scale and this time a really good one.

I know what you are thinking: Stephanie, you have a million scales and do not need another one.

To that I reply: If I get a good one, then I won't have the excuse that my scale is crappy or fluctuates of its own accord.

I am looking at the weight watchers ones as I hear nothing by good things about them - though they are very pricey. Very different from the $20 I spend on a scale normally. I just don't want to have to calibrate my scale every few months and then not even be able to use my calibration because it makes my scale seem so inadequate. I am at a loss with my scales and feel that if I get a new one (a good one) I can stop using multiple ones and doing funny things with the numbers and just be able to be 100% honest about my current weight and weight loss, etc.

Any comments or suggestions (scale suggestions would be really useful here) would be greatly appreciated...


Monday, October 20, 2008

Weight Loss: 11lbs
Mood: still sick
I did well with my food while I was sick – didn’t overeat for comfort sake too much. I wasn’t able to exercise as my breathing was hindered by my stupid blocked nosed, but that will pass.I am going to work on the basement this week(end) and hopefully it will be mostly up and running sometime next week. The only thing I am missing for it is a TV as my old one has been sent to the landfill (not a big deal really as it was old and broken in several ways). I will have to find other ways to do my DVDs and tapes until I have enough money to get a better TV for the living room or bedroom and therefore one of those can go to the basement. There is always music.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weight loss: 11lbs
Mood: sick and tired
This past weekend was Thanksgiving. I did so-so in terms of control. I was good on Saturday but then on Sunday I overate – mostly snacks and whatnot before the dinner. Monday was good though – I had the big meal but little to nothing before and little afterwards. So I guess it wasn’t a total write-off. In terms of exercise, well Monday I went for a walk in the sandpits behind my house but on Saturday and Sunday I really only walked around the house I was in – I wasn’t sitting for long at any point during those two days but no intense exercise.
I am officially sick. I took the day of work yesterday and almost did the same today too. Hopefully I will still be able to get myself on the elliptical tomorrow night (I have class tonight so no time for things like that). My parents are bringing up the weight bench this weekend so there will be work to do then for sure.
This week I really just want to try and get back on track and not be sick anymore. I am eating properly and have been for a little while now (with the exception of this weekend of course) and my water intake is increasing steadily (more so now that I am sick since it will also help with that). I think I am heading in the right direction, I just wish I was able to do it faster.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weight loss: 11 lbs
Mood: tired and icky

I am coming down with something which is I just know is going to have a negative effect on my weight loss. I tend to overeat to try and gain comfort when I am sick – though I am going to do everything I can do avoid this. It will also put a damper on my weight loss since I won’t be able to exercise as intensely as I need to – though I have a feeling that this isn’t going to stop me using the elliptical as soon as I can. I am going to tape The Biggest Loser tonight and save it for when I am feeling better and will be able to spend the time working out at the level I feel is required. Until then, I am going to work on getting my 2L of water in everyday – I have been slacking on this big time lately.

There is a new challenge going on in the weight loss forum I am a part of – Plump Your Pumpkin. Essentially every pound each member loses goes onto a pumpkin. There are also weekly challenges to get bling for said pumpkin. I have put the url for my pumpkin below and he should update as I complete the challenge: isn’t it cute so far.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weight loss: 11 lbs
Mood: Tired

I now spend my weekends (for the most part) walking around taking photographs. This weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday in different locations - downtown Ottawa and Stony Swamp Conservation Area (Beaver Trail to be exact). I enjoy taking photographs there but it is also a great way to exercise without even noticing it. I walked around for about 3 hours each day and am so sore and tired when I get home and yet I barely noticed it while I was there. It is an excellent form of exercise and I wish I could do it everyday (I can't since I get home at 5pm and the lighting is awful for the photography I take).

I also did pretty good with food this weekend. The walks actually helped with that as I didn't have anything with me to eat and am completely preoccupied anyways. Went to Subway twice, bad for the budget but good for my diet.

All in all, it was a good weekend in terms of my weight loss. I am hoping I can get as many of these weekends in as possible before the weather turns nasty cold and I am left to do others things - or invest in some snow pants and keep going at it.


Friday October 3, 2008

Weight loss: 10 lbs
Mood: Delighted

Less a week left until I get my basement (and therefore gym) back. I am so excited about that and absolutely can’t wait. Unfortunately we are leaving that weekend for our Thanksgiving extravaganza.

I haven’t really thought about how I am going to handle the abundance of food during that weekend but am hoping I am able to control myself at least somewhat. I guess I will just be depending on some intense workouts to counteract some small indulgences that weekend, but I will figure it out closer to the date – make myself a plan and do my best to stick to it.

Yesterday D, C and I went shopping at Bayshore and I was able to resist the temptation of several treats – though I did get us all Yogenfruz (I got the no fat version which for a small is only 2 points). Pretty healthy treat if I do say so myself – not that expensive either. I actually could go for more right now – dang it.

This weekend my plan is to try and get out and take some photos, which means I will be walking around and I am going to try to not sit and be lazy too much. I am not entirely sure where I want to go to take the pictures but I am trying to think of a place that where I will have to walk around to be able to get the type of pictures I want – just not sure where that is yet.

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