Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weight loss: 11 lbs
Mood: Tired

I now spend my weekends (for the most part) walking around taking photographs. This weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday in different locations - downtown Ottawa and Stony Swamp Conservation Area (Beaver Trail to be exact). I enjoy taking photographs there but it is also a great way to exercise without even noticing it. I walked around for about 3 hours each day and am so sore and tired when I get home and yet I barely noticed it while I was there. It is an excellent form of exercise and I wish I could do it everyday (I can't since I get home at 5pm and the lighting is awful for the photography I take).

I also did pretty good with food this weekend. The walks actually helped with that as I didn't have anything with me to eat and am completely preoccupied anyways. Went to Subway twice, bad for the budget but good for my diet.

All in all, it was a good weekend in terms of my weight loss. I am hoping I can get as many of these weekends in as possible before the weather turns nasty cold and I am left to do others things - or invest in some snow pants and keep going at it.

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