Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weight loss: 11 lbs
Mood: tired and icky

I am coming down with something which is I just know is going to have a negative effect on my weight loss. I tend to overeat to try and gain comfort when I am sick – though I am going to do everything I can do avoid this. It will also put a damper on my weight loss since I won’t be able to exercise as intensely as I need to – though I have a feeling that this isn’t going to stop me using the elliptical as soon as I can. I am going to tape The Biggest Loser tonight and save it for when I am feeling better and will be able to spend the time working out at the level I feel is required. Until then, I am going to work on getting my 2L of water in everyday – I have been slacking on this big time lately.

There is a new challenge going on in the weight loss forum I am a part of – Plump Your Pumpkin. Essentially every pound each member loses goes onto a pumpkin. There are also weekly challenges to get bling for said pumpkin. I have put the url for my pumpkin below and he should update as I complete the challenge: isn’t it cute so far.

Anonymous –   – (October 7, 2008 at 9:52 PM)  

Sorry to hear your not feeling well and just before all the Thanksgiving comfort food too - just remember "portion control" and filling up on water and veggies and you'll do fine!
Chris' mum

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