Musical Motivation

I bought myself an iPod (see this post on Great-Abyss blog). Like the other post says, I have wanted one for quite some time and resisted purchasing one. One of the main reasons I bought one yesterday was for motivation. I used to listen to music while on the bus and while walking around campus but as I no longer do either of those things I don't really use MP3 players any longer and stopped being able to rationalize a big purchase of such an item. I figure I am a relatively cheap person and do not like spending money on things I will not use - so if I spend money on an iPod then I will need to find ways to use it. I have been using it around the office today but that will stop when I have things to do which need my full attention (eg. reports). One significant way I plan on using it is while working out whether it be on the elliptical, stationary bike or when the weather gets better and I am able to bike outside and start walking/jogging outside on the canal. I have high hopes for my cheapness to finally come in handy.

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