Post Montreal

I was able to maintain my weight this month so far, but have unfortunately not lost any more. Montreal did not hurt me even though we ate some heavier meals - probably because of the highly increased exercise. We walked all over the attractions we visited and each day I sweated so much it was gross at times. The humidity inside the Botanical Gardens got to me and then of course there were the hills all over the town. Either way, I was really happy with the activity levels during our vacation and we were able to eat properly most of the time - just not all the time.
BUT - now that I am back I need to find a way to get myself passionate about my weight loss. It isn't that I need to recommit, or find a new regime or anything like that. I need to find the reason I was able to lose so much weight in the past. I need to find what made me want to stick to it. I know I want to be thinner for my health and my looks. I know I want to be thinner for Dave and our future together. But despite all the reasons I want to lose weight, I apparently want to eat treats and sit around all the time more.
I am looking into a family doctor here in Ottawa to see if there is anything they can suggest for me. I want to get my thyroid tested to see if there are any problems there. I had it tested a long time ago but never heard anything about it, which makes me think that it is fine, but if I was able to get it tested and explained to me again then it would be one less excuse or explanation I had for the way I behave.
Oh and I won't be getting treadmill this fall. I definitely did not meet my goals of really doing well with my jogging/running program and will not be able to reward myself with such a gift. I may however, look into a actual stationary bike as the one I have is laughable and I have been doing better with cycling than I have with jogging or running. But I haven't decided anything yet as there are still summer weeks ahead for me to get outside and do some cycling.

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