November 4, 2008

Weight loss: 3.4 lbs
Mood: thankful
I started using the weight as it appears on my new scale and therefore have basically started over again with my weight loss. I think my initial weight may have been higher than I previously thought, but as that is a pretty painful thought, I am going with starting over with the actual number. I have also just started the latest challenge on my weight loss forum called the Biggest Chooser – modelled after the Biggest Loser television show as I previously mentioned. I am really excited about this challenge and have my plan all set up. I am starting this week with 30 minutes of exercise after work (probably at about 7pm or so) excluding Wednesdays when I have class and then double that on the weekends. Next week I will be starting morning exercise as D stops working then and I will have more time in the mornings. I will start with 10 minutes and then add another 10 every week until I get to 30 minutes. I will also be adding and then increasing weight training as well. I will eventually get to 1 hour 30 minutes of exercise every day (excluding Wednesdays) and then double that on the weekends. Hopefully I will be able to set up a workout session with some friends as C mentioned that she is interested in it this past weekend when I showed you the most recent addition to our home gym (a full weight bench). I have already lost 1.4lbs since starting the challenge and plan to keep going as hard as I can until I reach my next goal of 20lbs lost.

Anonymous –   – (November 4, 2008 at 9:51 PM)  

Good plan! Good luck.
Chris' mum

Christine Sweeton  – (November 5, 2008 at 4:44 PM)  

I'm really proud of you, that is a damn good plan. I need to start something along those lines but I just can't find the time. (I know my mom has been bugging me to work out more since I stopped training for the run.) We will start doing the weekend thing for sure.

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