
I haven't been one lately but every once in a while I feel like one. It usually has to do with my workouts but sometimes is due to other non-weight related issues (eg. work, photography, etc). Before this week I had been just planning and planning for my weight loss but not really doing anything which lead to be feeling like a massive slacker. I am doing little things now while I wait for the weather to get better so I can do more. I am going to spend the spring and summer trying to get into walking/jogging/running on a regular basis. My reward for doing so will be a treadmill for the winter months when it starts to get too nasty to go outside.
I haven't set on anything too strict just yet, I will probably think about that today, but my current basic goal is to be having Thursday workouts with Chris (they usually last about 30-45 minutes but perhaps we could work on getting them longer), jogging/running about 3 times a week, at least one weekend photography walk (these are usually about 2-3 hours long minimum) and cycling on Sunday bike days (once they get started). If it rains on one of the days I am supposed to go outside I will try to use my elliptical machine instead. It sounds pretty intense for me, but I am going to ease into it. Right now I am doing Thursday workouts and little things on the weekends and will add the photo walks in a little while.

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