November Update

I have been trying to get more exercise in, but so far have been failing. That being said, I have had multiple days with increased walking (highly increased), but I haven't worked out until I broke a sweat or anything like that.
My food intake has been through the roof this past week, but before that I was doing really well. Dave and I had bought some healthier food and I was starting to make lunches the night before for work. I am going to work on a few meals today to get back on track with that as it is a relatively easy thing to do and helps out so much.
I have also been trying to think of ways to make this blog more active. I want to post here on a more regular basis, but really how often do you want to read posts where I say that I am not exercising as much as I want to but am getting better with my food (that is the general idea of all of my posts isn't it?). I was thinking along the lines of a feature as that seems to be working wonderfully on my other blogs - I just haven't decided what the feature is going to be just yet. If you have any ideas, let me know please.

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