Bad July

July was bad for me. I maintained the five pound loss from June, but got no further with my weight loss. I ate out way too much, which appears to be a nasty habit of mine lately and did little to no exercise. When I was able to get some extra activity into my day, I counteracted it by eating way too much food that day and usually the next day as well.
The trip to the cottage this year has motivated me though. Seeing all the tiny women in their skimpy bikinis and then myself in my large bathing suit made me want to lose weight again. I know that is a rather vane reason to want to lose weight, but I know the better reasons are there to - for now I just need something to get me started again and I will take whatever I can get.

One Pretty Little Box  – (August 8, 2009 at 1:27 PM)  

maintaining is just as hard if not harder then losing! Embrace that as a positive thing!

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