I have been using the Slim-Fast drinks for two days now and they are actually quite good. I drink one in the morning as my breakfast and then one when I get home from work as a snack. I am able to push dinner off and therefore don't want to snack later on in the night since I am still full from my supper. Snacking late at night has always been a weak point with me and so at least when I am full, there is less chance of that.
The down-side to my slim-fast breakfast is that since it is a drink, I don't have any water which decreases the amount of water I normally get in a day so I have been trying to drink more throughout the morning hours at work.
I have had the chocolate fudge flavour and yesterday I bought the other flavours (since they are currently on sale) and once this one is done I will try another. The thing I am expecting from them is not extreme weight loss or anything like that, I just think it is an excellent way to get some vitamins and nutrients which are lacking in my diet, since I don't eat a great deal of meat (and therefore lack protein) and fruits and vegetables are currently very high in price (since they are out of season).
I sometimes think it just helps to have a bit of variety (keeping within your goal parameters) so you don't get bored or discouraged with the process, so the Slim Fast sound like a good idea. Kepp it up!