Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Weight Loss: 9lbs
Mood: a little bit of everything

Last night I had one ferrero rocher. I felt sad at the time as I know that I will see that when I go to weigh in (despite the fact that it was only one) but at the same time I was a little happy that I only had one even though there were 6 left in the box. I guess I wish I knew how to be ok with my decisions and how not to dwell on them, but that will come with time - right?
I have reached my exercise goals of doing at least 15 minutes each night though at the moment I have only done it in one go once and the rest of the times I have split it up in a couple rounds. I have been doing more on the nights that I get home earlier from work and have even done it on nights where I had planned to rest (due to a busy schedule). I feel my legs burning everytime I workout and when I get up in the morning and that makes me happy. I just have to keep it up until I go on my trip and make sure I get back to it once I get home.
I have not been eating this amount of calories long enough to see how it has altered my weight loss, so I cannot really comment on that - but my daily menu has been going over well and I have not felt too deprived in terms of treats. Hopefully this will remain true when D comes home and I am no longer eating alone on my own terms.
I have done a lot of thinking this morning about my weight loss. I have tried to figure out why I may have failed in the past and ways to prevent that from happening again, I have thought about what inspires me as I go through this journey and also why I truly want to lose this weight. I have come up with some answers but of course I will figure things out more as I progress and hopefully by the time I lose the weight and reach my goal I will be able to keep it off for I will know then what I do not now. I will know my triggers and how to avoid them (or persevere through them), I will know how to get myself healthy and how and when to give into temptations and how to stop myself from over-indulgence. I hope to know myself better and to be happy with that new me, that improved me.

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